Alat ukur Kekerasan tanah Penetrometer

Alat ukur Kekerasan tanah Penetrometer
Untuk mengetahui kekerasan tanah.
Pocket Type.
Range sampai 4.5 kg/cm²

Alat Ukur Kekuatan Geser Tanah

Alat Ukur Kekuatan Geser Tanah
Untuk engetahui kekuatan geser tanah.
 Range: sampai 10kg/cm2
 Divisions on dial are as small as 0.05 kg/cm²
Visual interpretation to nearest 0.01 kg/cm²
Three vanes

Bor Tanah - Soil Auger

Bor Tanah - Soil Auger
Untuk kedalaman pengeboran maksimum 1m
Handle: Ø 2cm x 40 cm
Drilling Rod: Ø 2cm
Tipe 1
Head Auger: Ø ±6cm x 20 cmL atau
Tipe 2
Head Auger: Ø ±8.5cm x 20cmL

Bor Tanah - kedalaman 10 meter

Bor Tanah - kedalaman 10 meter
Drilling Rod, Solid bar, 1mtr length, 1 1/4" dia 10 Pcs
Auger Head, Welded steel, two radial blades, 4" dia 1 Pc
Straight Chopping Auger Steel bar,hardened tip, 45 mm width 1 Pc
T-Piece Welded steel 1 Pc
Tube Adaptor, Machined steel, with 3 clamping bolts 1Pc
Turning Rod, Machined steel, 1 1/4" dia, 60 cm length 2Pcs
Sampling Tube, 68 mm dia, 40 cm length with 3 bolt holes 10 Pcs
Rod Head, Hardened, machined steel, 2 1/2" dia 1 Pc
Allen Key, Hardened Steel, 1/4" 1 Pc
Pipe Wrench, 24" length 2 Pcs
Hammer5 kg weight, 1 Pc
Steel Wire Brush, Wooden Handle 1 Pc

Soil Sampler Tube

Soil Sampler Tube
Tempat Sample Tanah
Bahan terbuat dari Stainless Steel
Ukuran ID 7.3cm x 4cm h
Cover tube terbuat dari plastik
1 Box terdiri dari 20 pcs
Ukuran Box ± 20 cm x 14cm x 42 cm

Alat Uji NPK Tanah

Alat Uji NPK Tanah - NPK Tester Kit - USA
Determine the high/medium/low concentrations of NPK in soil
Nitrogen (N)
Phospohorus (P)
Potassium (K)
Tes Tab Tablet Reagent up to 50 test for:
Nitrogen (N) : 50 Tests
Phosphorus (P): 50 Tests
Potassium (K): 50 Tests
1 Extraction Tube
3 Capped Test Tube
1 eyedropper
1 laminated comparation color chart.
MSDS Sheets

Alat test kadar garam Tanah

Soil Salinity Tester, Alat test kadar garam Tanah
Untuk mengukur kadar garam tanah
Range: 0-10 millimhos; 0-6400 ppm
Millimhos for soil solutions and PPM for hydroponics or water.
You can reduced use of excess fertilizers and profit improvement from better crops and larger yields